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ezGate – we at ezGate(eezeegate) simplify your security, Visitor Management and everything that you do with just one App

eGate – is most simplified and ease to use app for managing your visitors, Staff ( Maid, cook, cleaner etc,), Deliveries, Society Facility Booking and more.

We are working on to bring revolutions in the way your society – gated community works, by bringing security Management that make your society safer and secure leading to theft and crime free community environment.

As a resident, you can use our app to use various other functions such Appointment booking with doctors, buying your groceries from next door kirana shop or from Veggi and fruit Vendors, everyone is on your app.

Following are Main Features.

eGate is a Resident App and zGate is for Security which comes with rich features.

1. Visitor Management: Guest are Special! and we have system which make Guest pass through security hassle free. With just a Guest pass. Also, all Visitors can only come in through Security and on approval from Resident. With eIntercom, you just have to approve it on ring.

2. Daily Help(staff) Management – Now know about your staff (cook, maid, cleaner) status&
Staff Entry & Attendance: Get your staff added or find the staff from list of Staffand rating and hire, add to your block and you will get notified every time they enter or exit. Plus, you would know where all they work and you can rate them too !!! to add to your convenience you mark their attendance and pay their salary.

3. Society Helpdesk: eComplaint

a. Resident can now easily register their complaint online through App.

b. Most complaints will go directly to services provider e.g. Lift Contractor etc., and it will be resolved quickly.

c. With Complaint Registry, you can view your complaint status live. Follow up with Management committee for prompt resolutions.

4. eNotice Board:Stay updated with all notices and happening of your society.

5. eDirectory: One touch call facility to all Community Members and Important Help on the go. At same time your details remain secured and anonymous.

6. Emergency Button: One touch button of Quick help from Security for emergency like Fire and Theft etc.

7. Digital Document: You can now store your important document on digital doc Store and its safe. You can have all your medical or other docs stored and access anywhere.

8. Facility Booking: No book Community hall for your party with ease. Online.

And Many more features which just help your live life comfortably, and at same time safe and secure.

All Data of Residents are secured with SSL and other latest technology.